
The Growth of Inequality, Ideological crusades and zombie economics

“Frydenberg exhumes Thatcher and Reagan”, so the Murdoch press gleefully extols.   Part 2 of 3 | The growth of inequality, ideological crusades and zombie economics A critique in three parts: 1. Beware the ‘fundamentalist’ narrative 2. The growth of inequality, ideological crusades and zombie economics 3. Keynes, Piketty and the Pope identify the hegemonic

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Will Mr. Porter’s Defamation Case Become a De Facto Inquiry?

Mr Porter’s accuser is regrettably dead, and that fact is usually, but not always, the end of criminal proceeding into the accusation. Porter has, however, initiated a defamation case against the ABC and its journalist Louise Milligan. Coupled with this fact there is the potential for a South Australian coroner’s inquest into the circumstances surrounding

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House of Shame

“The system is broken. It is unfathomable that we are still having to fight this stale, tired fight.” From Brittany Higgins’ speech at Canberra’s ‘March 4 Justice’ last Monday. A short-term problem to be politically managed? Not likely! Rather we are watching a rare generational moment where a convergence of events may have produced an

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Time to Pivot?

Why is global capital fleeing coal and exiting oil and gas? Financial institutions are not acting this way simply for lofty social or environmental reasons, or for ‘virtue signalling’, but rather because it simply makes sense – both in terms of basic economics and in terms of climate change risk. Last weekend Malcolm Turnbull said

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